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[Graphic of Redeemer Presbyterian Church logo]

[Graphic of Redeemer Presbyterian Church eNewsletter]
Vol. 11 No. 50 December 15, 2022

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

We invite you to join with your fellow members and friends of Redeemer Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve—Saturday, December 24th. We will have a very special Christmas Eve Service of “Lessons and Carols” filled with music and readings that honor the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please mark your calendar today and plan to attend this family celebration.

Meeting at: Weis Library United Methodist Church
6020 Heidler Road
Fairview, PA 16415

Please note: There will be no Worship Service
on Sunday morning, December 25th.

The last day to receive pledges, offerings, or
love gifts will be Sunday, December 18, 2022.

In this issue…
  • Christmas Eve Service…
  • No Sunday Worship on December 25, 2022…
  • Sunday Worship on December 18, 2022…
  • Update from Sam Van Eman…
  • Update from Idora Church Plant…
  • Update from EduNations…
  • Monthly Prayer Focus…
  • Children’s Scripture Memory Verses…
  • Church Goals: How are we doing?…
  • Events of Interest at Weis Library UMC…
  • Chronos Groups are on hiatus…
  • Christian Education classes are on hiatus…
  • Women’s Ministry…
    • Introduction…
    • Weekly Devotional for Women…
    • Women’s Discipleship Group…
    • Springhill Women’s Bible Study…
  • and more…
  • Directions to the Church…


Please be sure to scroll all the way to the end so you don’t miss any of the important announcements. We welcome your comments. Please send any questions or comments to If you no longer wish to receive this eNewsletter, please simply click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this page as it appears in your e-mailbox.

Sunday Worship

For Sunday, December 18, 2022—
Fourth Sunday of Advent

11:15 a.m.—  
Meeting at: Weis Library United Methodist Church
6020 Heidler Road
Fairview, PA 16415

Worship Theme: “Wise Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth
 and look for His return.”

Sermon Title: “From Another World to Ours”
  —Dean K. Wilson

Sermon Text: Luke 2:1-19

Other Scripture Readings  

Psalter Reading: Psalm 80

Epistle Reading: Romans 1:1-6

(Please click on the Scripture texts above in order to
read them from the Engllish Standard Version)


We welcome anyone who wishes to join us for worship.



[Nursery Care Logo modified]

We welcome children of all ages in our Worship Service. At the Information Center in the rear of the Sanctuary, we offer children a “Book Bucket” with books and activities for their use. Parents, please do not be concerned if your young child cries. We believe that the cries of young children signal that the church is alive, well, and destined to continue for generations to come.


[Photo of Coffee and Cookies]

After the Worship Service

We invite you to join us for a time of fellowship after each Sunday’s worship service.

We also invite those who wish to have a time of personal prayer for needs in their lives to please speak to one of the Ruling Elders—Jaye Moelk, James Stahl, or Dean Wilson—and he or she will arrange for someone to meet with you and pray with you.

[Graphic of Redeemer New Logo]
[Graphic of Redeemer Presbyterian Church Weekly Announcements]

[Photo of Mission Statement]

Our Mission Statement

“As part of the global church of Jesus Christ, Redeemer Presbyterian Church exists to draw people into a life-long transforming relationship with Him by:

          Exalting God thoughtfully and joyfully
          Knowing God intimately
          Serving others wholeheartedly
          Sharing God’s love locally and globally”

Based on this Mission Statement, we have developed a statement of our “Core Values and Elements of Our Strategic Plan,” which you may read by clicking here.


Photo of Van Eman Family

Newsletter from Sam Van Eman

We have received the following newsletter from our dear friend, Sam Van Eman, who ministers with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO). Please click here to read this newsletter.


[Photo of the Koerths]

Idora Mission Church in Youngstown, Ohio

You may read the latest update on this important ministry of the Presbytery of the Alleghenies, which Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC) supports, by clicking here.




Photo of Sierra Leone Children

Update from EduNations and Sierra Leone

Partnering with EduNations, our Presbytery has adopted the nation of Sierra Leone as our mission to people who remain unreached for Jesus Christ. Please click here to read the latest update.

And, if you wish to read the “EduNations Annual Report,” please click here.




[Monthly Prayer Focus logo]

December, 2022

At the Meeting of Session on August 9, 2022, the Ruling Elders voted to create a “Monthly Prayer Focus” and to ask the members of the congregation to pray for a specific topic throughout each month. As each new month rolls around, please watch this eNewsletter and the Weekly Worship Service Bulletin, in order to learn about the “Monthly Prayer Focus” for that month.

During the month of December, 2022, the Session requests that you focus your prayers on the CRU Winter Conference.

At the end of December, CRU will hold its Winter Conference for students. Redeemer will again be sponsoring students from Penn State Behrend to help defray the cost of attending the Conference.

Please pray for the CRU Winter Conference:

  • For the preparations, as organizers arrange for transportation, rooms, meals, and speakers.

  • For the student organizers on campus. Make them effective missionaries, as they recruit their fellow students to attend with them.

  • For Behrend students, as they decide whether or not they will attend. Ask God to nudge those undecided students sitting on the fence, to make the commitment to attend.

  • For mercy and protection, as those attending travel to the Conference.

  • For God to make this a meaningful experience and that it will encourage, equip, and strengthen all who attend the Conference.


Children's Scripture Memory Graphic

Children’s Scripture Memory Verses

We would like to invite your children to participate in a “Scripture Memorization Program.” Each month by email, you will receive a page of five memory verses. Your child should work to memorize these verses and the Scripture reference.

Third grade and above should aim to memorize all five verses each month. Grades One and Two should aim to memorize three of the verses each month.

Each child will recite his or her verses for an assigned adult. The adult will award prizes if the child has memorized the verses. Children should also be encouraged to find these verses in their own Bibles.

Below, you will find links to the Memory Verses for each month:



As a Church, How are We Doing?
Goal One — Enabling Objective Two

At the Meeting of Session on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, the Ruling Elders adopted Goals and Enabling Objectives for 2022. You may review these by clicking here.

As the people of Redeemer move forward, serving as abassadors for Christ and His Kingdom to a needy world, we must strive for continuous improvement. The Goals and Enabling Objectives give us some markers by which we can evaluate our forward movement.

Therefore, we urge each of you to very prayerfully and thoughtfully review the Goals and Enabling Objectives for 2022 and consider how you will help your brothers and sisters at Redeemer facilitate the the realization of these Goals through the effective implementation of the Enabling Objectives.

The month of December, we will focus on examining Goal One — Enabling Objective Two.

Goal One: Evangelism: Reaching Out in Christ’s Name to our Community

Enabling Objective Two: Commit to invite two people to our Worship Service each month.

During the week ahead, please take some time to consider whether or not you have purposely taken opportunity during the month, when prompted by the Holy Spirit, to invite at least two people to attend our Worship Service. Then, think about the answer to these questions:

  • What do you find particularly helpful about our Worship Services?

  • Can you articulate the effect that attending our Worship Service each week has on your daily life?

  • Can you identify the elements of our Worship Service that might appeal to other people?

  • As you move through each day, are you aware of people who cross your pathway who might benefit from the kind of worship, preaching, and fellowship that Redeemer Presbyterian Church offers in our weekly Worship Service?

During the month, if you did invite at least two people to attend our Worship Services, give yourself a pat on the back and make a note of who you invited and their response in a Prayer Journal or Notebook. If you were not able to do this, consider how you could improve next month.

Through this process of self-evaluation, each person who attends Redeemer Presbyterian Church can move more positively toward helping Redeemer become more effective in sharing the message of salvation in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.



Upcoming Events of Interest
Please Mark Your Calendars

We remain very grateful to the pastors, leadership, and congregation of Weis Library United Methodist Church for allowing us to rent the use of their facility for our Sunday Worship Service, and for other events.

From time to time we will use this space to share events that Weis Library United Methodist Church has scheduled that may be of interest to the members and friends of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC). These events are open to the public.

  • Thursday, December 15, 2022, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.: Spaghetti Dinner. Weis Library United Methodist Church is famous throughout our area for their delicious Spaghetti Dinner. Proceeds from this dinner will feature and help to support Hurrican Ian Relief.

    • Each serving of the “eat-in” or “take-out” dinner includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad with dressing, and bread and butter.

    • The cost of the dinner is $8.00 for each adult and $5.00 for each child or senior citizen.


[Photo of Women standing and laughing]

Women’s Ministry

Introduction: The Women’s Ministry of Redeemer Presbyterian Church offers many opportunities to the women from our church and from our community. We welcome you to keep in touch with our ministry activities. Please click here for more information…

Weekly Devotional: Every week our Women’s Ministry posts a Weekly Devotional for Women. If you haven’t yet read this week’s devotional, please click here.


[Photo of Bible study group]

Women’s Discipleship Group

During the school year, the Women’s Discipleship Group typically meets on specific Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to noon in various homes.

We are studying the book, So Much More: An Invitation to Christian Spirituality, written by Debra Rienstra.

Women interested in joining this group should please contact Laurie LeSuer at church for information regarding the meeting location, the date of the next meeting, and with any other questions, or click here to please send her a message via email.

Note: Clicking on this link will launch your computer’s default email application. However, if you normally connect to your emailbox over the web by webmail—such as AOL or gmail—and do not use a dedicated email application on your computer, you will need to launch your webmail and send your email to “”


[Graphic of Springhill Women's Bible study group]

Springhill Ladies’ Bible Study

In conjunction with the Women’s Ministry of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC), Asbury Springhill Senior Living Community will host a weekly Ladies’ Bible Study on Thursday afternoons at 3:00 p.m. in Room 317-C— Resident Activity Room—of the Commons Building (Main Building) at the

Asbury Springhill Senior Living Community
2323 Edinboro Road (1/2-mile south of the Millcreek Mall)
Erie, PA 16509

Led by Shirley Wilson, this Ladies’ Bible Study is open to all women in the Erie community, as well as the women in residence at the Asbury Springhill Senior Living Community.

We are currently studying individuals found in the Bible. Please bring your personal copy of the Bible.

Women interested in joining this group should contact Shirley Wilson at church with any questions, or click here to send her a message via e-mail.

Note: Clicking on this link will launch your computer’s default email application. However, if you normally connect to your emailbox over the web by webmail—such as AOL or gmail—and do not use a dedicated email application on your computer, you will need to launch your webmail and send your email to “”

[Photo of Mission Projects]

Becoming a Missional Church…

We continue to pursue ways to effectively fulfill The Great Commission. We invite you to visit our website and view the recurring local, national, and international Mission Projects we continue to support through our time, talent, and treasure: Read more...

[Photo of Prayer Requests]

Prayer Requests

More and more, we want to become a praying church. Thus, we want to continually hold each other up in prayer.

We want to celebrate your joys. We want to rejoice with you concerning the answers you’ve received to your prayers. And, we want to know about your trials, sorrows, difficulties, and concerns so that we can earnestly and fervently pray with you and pray for you.

Please don’t wait until Sunday to share with us. We welcome your Prayer Requests all week long.

If you have a Prayer Request during the week, you may connect with our prayer warriors through our Facebook “Praise and Prayer” page. Or, especially if your prayer request is of a more confidential nature, please send an email to the email address noted below.

Upon receipt, we will either activate our Prayer Chain enabling our prayer warriors to pray for your request; or, if you mark your request “Confidential,” we will only share your prayer request with the Pastor and our three Ruling Elders.

To send us a Prayer Request by email, please just click here.

Note: Clicking on this link will launch your computer’s default email program. However, if you normally connect to your emailbox over the web by webmail—such as AOL or gmail—and do not use a dedicated mail application on your computer, you will need to launch your webmail and send your request to “”


[Facebook Badge]

Please “Like” our Facebook Page

That’s right, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (EPC) has a page on Facebook. If you’re also on Facebook, we invite you to “Like” our Facebook page. If you do, you’ll receive all the updates we post throughout the week.

You can become a "Redeemer Pres. Ambassador." Here’s how: Once you “Like” our Facebook page, you will begin to receive our updates on your Facebook newsfeed. If you see one of our updates that you would like to share with your Facebook friends, all you have to do is simply click the “Share” button. This will place the update you “Share” onto the newsfeed for your Facebook friends and also onto the timeline of your own Facebook page where all your Facebook friends can view it.

While our website will remain the principal source of information regarding our services and activities, and while this eNewsletter will continue to provide a once-weekly summary of what’s going on at Redeemer Pres., our Facebook page will offer a fast-paced, up-to-the-minute way of keeping in touch throughout the course of your day, whenever you log into Facebook.

To visit our Facebook page, just click here.

You may also always reach our Facebook page by clicking on the “Facebook badge” that is located on the left-side menu column of any page on our website.

We also have a “Redeemer Pres. Prayer and Praise” Group that you may access from our Facebook page. To join this “Closed Group” you must be invited by an existing member. So, just mention your interest to one of the current members of the Group and that one will gladly add you to the Group.


[Photo of people with words -- Who Are We?]

About Us…

Have you ever wondered how we describe ourselves to people who come across our website while they are surfing the world wide web?

Well, wonder no more. Just click here to read a description about Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

Then, please pray that people will find us and that the Holy Spirit will continue to draw those He wants to become a part of our fellowship. And, don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join us for Christian Education and Worship on Sunday.


[Photo of Offering Plate]

Tithes, Offerings, and Love Gifts

We appreciate your consistent generosity in giving to support the ministry of our church. Please make your checks payable to “Redeemer Presbyterian Church.” We also have Pledge Cards available for those who may wish to indicate the extent of their giving—as God provides—throughout the coming year.


[Photo of God Hunt]

“God Hunt” Sightings

We include this announcement each week to express our sincere hope that you are still going on a daily “God Hunt.” Every day please look for one or more of the following:
  • Any obvious answer to prayer, or...
  • Any special evidence of God’s care, or...
  • Any help to do God’s work in the world, or...
  • Any unusual linkage or timing

Then, please write your “God Hunt Sightings” down in a journal or notebook. Next, as God opens up an opportunity for you to share with someone what He is doing in your life, please take that opportunity to do so.

Photo of Directions to Redeemer Presbyterian Church

Weis Library United Methodist Church is located at the intersection of Millfair Road and Heidler Road, not far from the intersection of either Heidler Road and Sterrettania Road or Millfair Road and Sterrettania Road.

Please click on the aerial photo below to obtain specific directions
from your location to the Weis Library United Methodist Church.



Copyright © 2022 by Redeemer Presbyterian Church • Erie, PA. All Rights Reserved.